Generative Data Intelligence

W h y is the rollout of theTrust Infrastructure in Europe now so important? (Bo Harald)


Node: 4358136

What can be more important for: productivity, security, service levels, privacy, the Single Market and soon also for safely deploying organisation and personal AI-agents?

On a practical level it means that:

1. All important data will be easy to issue, obtain and verify.

2. I n t e r f a c e s in the public and all private sectors in Europe and beyond will be the s a m e EUDI-interoperable agents and wallets.

3. Transfer of mass data can be replaced by exchange of verified credentials and the decentral architecture will also be less vulnerable.

4. Enterprises will have much less need to build and maintain expensive and different technical integrations with suppliers, customers and different units in the public sectors.

5. When organisations and citizens use EUDI-interoperable agents and wallets to securely deploy organisation and personal AI agents these will be able to find and better protect scattered organisation and private data and deliver it to holder wallets.

The next natural step for AI-agents is to help the holder of data to choose a preferred service provider (SP) “specialising” the business or life event in question. The AI-agent will recommed SPs based on standardisation levels, security, privacy, cost and
the level of AI used there.

H o w forward?

1. M o t i v a t e fast deployment of already available de-facto EUDI-interoperable agents and wallets by publishing lists of both general purpose credentials (identification of organisations, citizens and things, their location and their powers to act) and
the hundreds of more event specific ones from and to organisation agents (interfaces) in the public sectors (municipalities important).

2. Find the flexible way in implementation guidelines – to get the home-markets moving forward – with Single Market interoperability in mind.

3. Start issuing and receiving credentials from the easiest and eyeopening ones – to and from enterprises and households.

4. Describe the overall impact for society at large with impact analyses for national economies and prioritize accordingly in close co-operation with overall productivity and security improvement and
simplification needs in enterprises.

Needless to say that the central trust providing banking sector must now deploy the identity building wallets, see to it that customers get them and all together use them for fast and secure deployment of AI agents. 

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