Generative Data Intelligence


US-China Tech Competition Workshop And Other Events

China IPR On February 4, 2025, I will speak at an Asia Society program on how to assess US-China technology competition from 10:00 AM to...

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How a Promising New Blockchain Startup is Solving File Validation And Storage Issues

The demand for blockchain technology is rapidly spreading across all industries, and it has already been integrated into the fashion, sports, gaming, and...

XinFin’s XDC Blockchain Network — The New Ethereum Killer?

Reports say that the XDC Network, through community engagement, expanded upon its predecessor’s vision for a scalable, decentralized ecosystem. XDC Network is used for...

Luna Rush Announces IDO on Leading Launchpads, Bolster NFT and P2E Games Adoption

Luna Rush, an NFT and Anime based blockchain game is conducting its initial DEX offering on leading IDO platforms in the crypto space–BinStarter,...

Benjamin Guez Speaks on ARIANE CAPITAL, a Crypto Wealth Management Platform

ARIANE CAPITAL is one of the first organized and regulated arbitrage funds in the market with the ARBA FUND arbitrage fund. Its clients’ growing...

WitcherVerse Continues To Storm The Market With Topping The Charts On CoinMarketCap

WitcherVerse team is pleased to update the community regarding the listing of its token (Ticker: $WCH) on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. Listings on CMC...

CoinQuora’s Top 10 Promising Coins in 2021

CoinQuora presents its suggested top 10 promising coins in 2021. This year has been a fruitful season, especially for CoinQuora as we work...

NFTs to Boom When Metaverse Goes Mainstream in 5 Years, Analyst Opines

Crypto is beginning to recover and NFT demand is skyrocketing, analyst says. NFT search volume just passed Crypto in Google trends. The analyst recommends keeping...

Sunday December 5: Economic & Technologic Side to Eco-Spirituality with Hazel Henderson and Bill Halal

Sunday, December 5, 2021  TODAY: 9am Pacific / 12 Noon Eastern (5:00 PM Coordinated Universal Time – UTC) Join the conversation as we talk with the leading...

Green : The ESG market is cornered

“Now ESG has gone mainstream, the time has come to  ask what comes next, as  in my “ESG Stakeholder Capitalism And China’s Common Prosperity?”. We...

Book Review by Hazel Henderson: “Thoughts on People, Planet & Profit”

Amy Domini, 2021 “An early Thanksgiving gift arrived recently which I deeply appreciate: a new book by Amy Domini, the acknowledged queen of responsible...

Lady Editor: Sarah Josepha Hale and the Making of the Modern American Woman

by Melanie Kirkpatrick, Encounter Books (2021) Book Review by Hazel Henderson ©Hazel Henderson 2021 “I enjoyed this book immensely, even though I am well aware of...

‘Time to do the right thing,’ negotiators told as COP26 climate talks open

As U.N. climate change talks kick off amid wild weather and transport challenges, delegates are reminded of “the trust invested in you by...

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