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Prime Securities Buyback Record Date 2025, Price, Entitlement Ratio


Node: 4357275

Prime Securities Buyback Record Date

Prime Securities Buyback Record Date is not finalized. 

Established in 1982, Prime Securities is a prominent player in the investment banking and corporate advisory sector in India. The company operates under the regulatory framework of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and holds a Category-1 Merchant Banking License, allowing it to provide a range of financial services. These services include fundraising, mergers and acquisitions, equity and debt private placements, initial public offerings, corporate advisory, and capital restructuring.

Over the years, Prime Securities has expanded its operations to include trading in various financial instruments such as shares, stocks, bonds, and securities. The company has also ventured into wealth management and investment advisory services. In recent years, Prime Securities has focused on strengthening client relationships and innovating business solutions to navigate fluctuating capital market conditions.

The company’s growth trajectory includes significant milestones such as the establishment of subsidiaries for commodities broking and non-banking financial activities. Prime Securities has also made strategic acquisitions to bolster its technological capabilities, such as the purchase of Bridgeweave Limited, which specializes in AI-driven financial products.

Prime Securities Buyback

Prime Securities Buyback Record Date, Other Details

Prime Securities Buyback Dates Coming soon
Prime Securities Buyback Price  INR 305 per share
Market Price on Buyback Approval INR 254.30 per share
Buyback Premium on Market Price 19.94%
Buyback Offer Size (Shares) 6,00,000 shares
Buyback Offer Size (Amount) INR 18.30 crore
Offer Type Tender
Promoter Participation Yes
Face Value  INR 5 per share
Listing At BSE, NSE

Prime Securities Buyback Dates (Timeline)

Board Meeting Intimation for Buyback Proposal 22 January 2025
Buyback Approval Date 27 January 2025
Public Announcement of Buyback Coming soon
Prime Securities Buyback Record Date Coming soon
Buyback Opening Date Coming soon
Buyback Closing Date Coming soon
Cut-off Date to receive completed tender forms by Registrar Coming soon
Verification Date by the Registrar Coming soon
Return of unaccepted shares by Registrar Coming soon
Extinguishment of accepted shares Coming soon

Prime Securities Buyback 2025 Documents

Letter of Offer
Public Announcement
Board Approval
Upcoming Share Buyback

Prime Securities Buyback Entitlement Ratio

Shareholder Category Entitlement Ratio Entitlement Ratio (in %)
Small Shareholders
(less than INR 2 Lakh on record date)
– 6.23
General category
(for all other Eligible Shareholders)
– –

A small shareholder is defined as a shareholder who holds shares worth less than INR 2,00,000 as of the record date.

Prime Securities Financial Performance

FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024
Total Income 46.0 47.0 67.0
Total Expenses 26.0 32.0 42.0
Net Income 16.98 11.18 18.56
Figures in INR Crores unless specified otherwise

Calculation of Investment in Buyback

Maximum market value of a shareholder as on record date INR 2,00,000
Buyback price per share INR 305
Maximum shares for small shareholders (2,00,000/305) 656 shares *
The closing price of the stock as of 27 January 2025 INR 254.30**
Maximum amount invested in buyback (INR 254.30 x 656 shares) INR 1,66,820.8
* No. of shares stands to change according to the closing price on the record date
** For simplicity, we have considered the price on the buyback approval date

Prime Securities Buyback Acceptance Ratio

Shares Tendered Buyback Entitlement Acceptance ratio Buyback Profit Profit in %
656 41 41 (100%) 2,078.7 1.25
656 41 82 (200%) 4,157.4 2.49
656 41 123 (300%) 6,236.1 3.74
* Calculated by IPOCentral

Registrar of Prime Securities Buyback 2025

Coming soon

Manager of Prime Securities Buyback 2025

Coming soon

The Process to Participate in Prime Securities Buyback

All eligible shareholders of the company who own shares in the physical or demat form on the record date may participate in the buyback offer through their stockbroker. The eligible shareholders who hold the shares in demat form must notify their brokers of the details of the equity shares that they wish to tender in the buyback offer.

The shareholder must transfer the tendered shares to the clearing corporation’s Special account. In turn, the broker would place a buyback order on the stock exchange.

The eligible shareholders who own the shares in physical form must present their broker with the original share certificates and supporting documents. After document verification is complete, the broker places an order on the stock exchange and submits the original share certificate and TRS (Transaction Registration Slip) to the registrar.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Prime Securities’ buyback dates?

Prime Securities buyback opens on February 2025 and closes on February 2025.

Which type of buyback is Prime Securities’ buyback offer?

Prime Securities’ buyback is a tender offer.

What is Prime Securities buyback price?

Prime Securities’ buyback price is INR 305 per share.

What is the Prime Securities buyback record date?

Prime Securities buyback record date is Coming soon.

How to participate in Prime Securities share buyback?

Prime Securities share buyback will be conducted through the tender process and investors who hold the shares on record date can place orders through their broker.

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