Happy New Year from IDW 2025!
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We wish you a fantastic and vibrant start to the New Year! As we usher in 2025, why not kick things off on the right foot by registering for IDW 2025 today? While you’re at it, you can also book your accommodation directly through the registration form, selecting from our excellent range of Brisbane hotels.
If you need any further convincing to join us in person, why not watch our latest IDW video featuring Rosie Hicks, the Chief Executive Officer of Australian Research Data Commons.
Travelling from abroad? When you register, you’ll automatically receive a visa invitation letter to help streamline your Australian visa application process, making your journey to Brisbane as smooth as possible.
What’s included?
As a full delegate, you’ll enjoy:
- Access to all programme sessions from 13–16 October 2025
- Entry to the exhibition
- Daily catering to keep you energised
- A special invitation to the welcome reception
- The chance to purchase a ticket to the unforgettable IDW 2025 Dinner
Ready to secure your spot? Don’t miss out on our Early Bird Registration – sign up now and save!
Join us in Brisbane for IDW 2025 and help shape the future of global data science. Register today and be part of something truly extraordinary!
28 January 2025, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm UTC
This 60-minute webinar will provide an overview of the benefits of participating in the upcoming International Data Week (IDW) 2025.
The three member organisations, CODATA, RDA, and WDS, will explain how they fit together under IDW. Each member will share details on their organisations and how you can apply to present your work at the event, including timelines and formats.
Webinar participants will receive guidance on how to navigate the rich four-day IDW 2025 programme and learn what a ticket to IDW 2025 will include.
The webinar is open to all; IDW newcomers and also those who have already attended previous editions of IDW. This is a chance to meet and learn more about the IDW founding organisations and ask any questions you might have regarding IDW 2025. Participation is free of charge but subject to a Zoom registration.
A second webinar will be scheduled in February 2025 in the Oceania time zone. Recordings and slides will be available to all.
SciDataCon call for sessions and abstracts now open
SciDataCon 2025, organised by the two data bodies of the International Science Council, CODATA and World Data System, is now accepting submissions for session organizers and paper or poster presenters. This conference is an integral part of the International Data Week, being held from 13 –16 October 2025, in Brisbane, Australia. SciDataCon provides a platform for researchers, data scientists, and policymakers to discuss pressing issues in data science.
Submissions should address one or more of the following overarching themes:
- CAREful Indigenous Data Governance
- Rigorous, responsible, and reproducible science in the era of FAIR data and AI
- Open research through Interconnected, Interoperable, and Interdisciplinary Data
- Empowering the global data community for impact, equity, and inclusion
- Infrastructures to Support Data-Intensive Research – Local to Global
- The Transformative Role of Data in SDGs and Disaster Resilience
- SciDataCon Persistent Themes
For further information on each theme, and submission guidelines and deadlines, please refer to https://scidatacon.org or contact scidatacon@codata.org.
RDA 25th Plenary call for session proposals open in February
Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a community-driven organisation focused on enabling the open sharing and re-use of data. The RDA is one of three founding organisations of International Data Week 2025.
The RDA will host its 25th Plenary Meeting as part of IDW 2025. RDA plenaries are special working meetings that help move the RDA community forward in creating deliverables that improve data sharing across disciplines, technologies, and countries.
RDA Plenaries are structured around Breakout Sessions – parallel meetings organised by:
- RDA Working Groups, Interest Groups and Communities of Practice (community experts working together to solve challenges in data sharing and interoperability),
- Joint meetings between multiple RDA groups,
- Individuals wishing to gauge interest in topics that are new to the RDA (Birds of a Feather sessions).
During 90-minute Breakout Sessions, RDA members get the chance to present and discuss their work, providing a vital opportunity to collaborate, share knowledge, and advance projects.
The RDA 25th Plenary will include around 50 group meetings. Approved session applications will be built into the 25th Plenary Meeting programme as part of IDW 2025.
RDA Groups and community members are invited to submit their session applications from 31 January 2025 UTC.
Brisbane Uncovered:
Your local guide with data at the core
Want to know the hidden gems of Brisbane according to locals who are research data specialists? Look no further than Brisbane Uncovered!
This month we heard from Sara Gottliebsen, Research Governance Manager at Health Translation Queensland.
Join our Koala Competition
We can’t wait to welcome you to our country, but before you visit us, we want to see the IDW 2025 koala in your home country! Take a picture of yourself with a koala in front of a famous landmark or even just your favourite spot in your hometown or home country.
You will go into the drawing to win one of two complimentary full registrations to IDW 2025. One of the winners will be chosen by the IDW 2025 Organising Committee and the other will be a People’s Choice Award, both will be awarded in early 2025. The shortlisted entries will be featured in a future ezine where delegates will be able to vote for our People’s Choice Winner.
To enter the competition, follow the below steps:
- Find yourself a koala. It can be either a clip-on koala, a koala plush toy, or even a printed image of a koala.
- Photograph yourself and your koala in a fun, creative, exotic, or interesting location in your home country.
- Email the photograph along with the below details to IDW 2025 Secretariat.
- Your name, address, phone number, and email address.
- Name of the location and country where the photo is taken.
- Post the photo on your social media accounts and hashtag #IDW2025KoalaCompetition #IDW2025
The competition closes Tuesday, 1 April 2025.
Sponsorship & Exhibition
The Organising Committee of the International Data Week 2025 invites you and your organisation to be part of the premier international data Conference.
IDW takes place every two years and is the leading international conference on research data. It is jointly organised by the International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data System (WDS), and the Research Data Alliance (RDA). It combines the RDA Plenary Meeting, the biannual meeting of this international member organisation working to develop and support global infrastructure facilitating data sharing and reuse, with SciDataCon, the scientific conference addressing the frontiers of data in research organised by CODATA and WDS. This is the premier opportunity for organisations to network and engage with industry leading professionals.
This year’s theme of Data for Positive Change highlights our commitment to the role of data in instituting change by empowering communities and advancing research – and we’d love to have you join us!
As part of our thanks, we want to ensure that your corporate support is a worthwhile investment and a sound business decision. Please download the prospectus to find out more about the benefits associated with being a Corporate Supporter of the IDW 2025.
Lone Pine Sponsor
The organisers
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- Source: https://codata.org/happy-new-year-from-idw-2025-abstracts-now-open/