Generative Data Intelligence

Editor’s Pick: How to Protect Your Transportation Technology from Supply Chain Cyber Threats


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Note: Today’s post is part of our “Editor’s Pick” series where we highlight posts published by our sponsors that provide practical knowledge and advice on timely and important supply chain and logistics topics. This recent post from JBF Consulting’s blog discusses the rise of cyber attacks (for example, see “Blue Yonder Cyberattack: How Prepared Are You If Your TMS Or WMS Goes Down?”) and what shippers can do to protect themselves. 

When a system outage disrupts operations, it’s not just an IT issue. From delayed shipments to financial losses to unhappy customers, the ripple effect can impact your entire organization. Understanding the broader business impact is no longer optional—it’s critical.

Supply chain ecosystems have become prime targets for cybercriminals. Just last month, a major ransomware attack hit Blue Yonder’s private cloud computing service, affecting several hundred of their clients. Unfortunately, this was not an isolated event.

Given the recent events, Shipper Tech Talk co-hosts Brad Forester and Mike Mulqueen sat down with JBF team members Justin Wilcox and Mark Workman to discuss the rise of cyber attacks and what shippers can do to protect themselves. 

Read More at JBF Consulting’s Blog

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